Setting our animation in the era of the american dream has given us an opportunity to re-create a real iconic look. Due to this we will be looking at incorporating as much culture in our short film as possible to give of a real authentic look. The 1950's showed real opportunity to the people of the united states, they was the worlds super power and there economy was booming. This was the real era of consumerism and branding, There had been an increase in babies being born and more suburbs was being built providing family homes. The ironic thing about 1950's suburbia was that although each home looked near enough identical to each other the home owners thought they was being original and individual by colour changes to their neighbours. It was during this era that anything seemed possible especially after the war, the country had known that both Russia and USA were racing to be the first nation to travel to space. Causing allot of tension between both countries but also creating some amazing historic events. Russia had beaten America in almost every space adventure all until the land mark which ended the 1950's which was the moon landing in 1961. Because of this space race the world got see some beautiful and highly original for its time art work, in the form of comics and pop art.
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